Year 2, Day 99 (8/27/16)

Good Week.

Insurance won’t cover the “out of network” surgeon my urologist recommended.

So after some wrangling another surgeon was recommended, now I am awaiting a phone call ot see if we can get it done before my PET scan in October.

Been reading some talks from people in my church. Gleaned a few interesting quotes.

First quote: when you drink from the bitter cup, don’t let it make you bitter.

Second quote: don’t shrink from the bitter cup.

Third quote: people come up to me because I have Cancer and say how brave I am, but I tell them I have never been through a divorce, have a child die, lose everything and not know where my next meal was coming from, been persecuted my whole life or lived a life without love.

I have met many people that have drunk from a much more bitter cup than I have been given to date. Just hoping that doesn’t mean “you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet”.

The Hood to Coast run is today, makes Seaside population swell 5 to 6 times normal. Almost impossible to drive anywhere this weekend. Locals usually get out of town for the weekend or hibernate.

We are peacefully hibernating!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend and enjoying the last of summer. =)

Year 2, Day 99 (8/27/16)

Year 2, Day 92 (8/20/16)

Good Week.

Still no word from the urology surgeon.

Some confusion on when my next PET scan is, could me next month or could be October. Hopefully will figure it out this week.

Wonderful day at the coast, it was a blistering 85 degrees yesterday, but thankfully it has dropped to a nice 70 today.

Installed a new sink and faucet, after 2 years the dripping has stopped. The new sink is china, not metal coated ceramic, so looks much nicer.

Also installed screening on my rain gutter that got replaced when the tree fell on my house. The screening keeps the leaves out of the gutters.

Nice to be doing things that will help for the long term. Takes the focus off the short term.

Anyway, hope everyone is loving the end of summer and a great weekend!

Year 2, Day 92 (8/20/16)

Year 2, Day 85 (8/13/16)

Good Week.

Nothing of note to report.

They took some blood and the urology surgeon is still reviewing my case.

Watched a parade today with my wife, It was for the fiftieth anniversary of the 4+ mile long bridge in Astoria.

My uncle helped build it and was featured in the parade as one of the workers still around that helped build the bridge.

It was fun to see him, my aunt and cousins again at a function afterward.

They set up a huge display about the bridge at a local museum and featured a couple of his life stories that happened during the bridge construction.

Was a fun day with my honey.

Hope everyone had a great Saturday and the rest of your weekend goes well!

Year 2, Day 85 (8/13/16)

Year 2, Day 78 (8/6/16)

Good Week.

Good weather and work was steady and productive.

This week I saw the Urologist and it was determined it was time to do the snip out the bad part of the urinary tract and sew the good parts back together.

New adventures in medicine they said. I now realize they didn’t indicate if they would be good or bad adventures. Oh well.

The surgeon did not call me so Monday I guess I need to go remind them so we can get it done, in case I need more chemo next October.

I ran into a fellow Large B cell lymphoma patient. They had already done the chemo, then the stem cell transplant, plus a radiation therapy run, and now they were being considered for the same clinical trial I may be applying for if my October PET indicates more pesky cancer.

Will be interesting to find out how it goes for my fellow adventurer.

Today I assembled an organizer for the closet. Only managed one error on the trim.

Amazing given my minimal assembly skill set.

Enjoyed the new Star Trek movie.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Cause you are sure missing out if you don’t!

Year 2, Day 78 (8/6/16)