Day Two Hundred and Eighteen

Today I was informed that an interventional radiologist will go ahead and do a needle biopsy on me January 13th. If successful it will eliminate the prospect of surgery and given the results may also removed the need for the additional PET scan.

This great news in that it should let us know what, if anything, is going on and remove some of the guessing.

Everyone have a GREAT eve of Christmas Eve tomorrow!

Day Two Hundred and Eighteen

Day Two Hundred and Seventeen

Rainy day, nice fresh air here on the coast.

Saw the Oncologist today.

By reading my PET scan he is uncertain of the results. He feels the results are one of three things.

1. The cancer is gone and I am fine.

2. I still have Large B Cell lymphoma.

3. (new option) I have Falicular non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, which was the underlying cause of my Large B Cell Lymphoma originally.

So how to tell which it is.

We will try to get someone to do a needle biopsy of the offending lymph nodes, BUT since it is in my small intestines, there is much concern about ramming large needles into them for fear of bowel rupture or internal bleeding.

Surgery, which leaves one with scar tissue in the small intestines having numerous side effects none of which is good. Any surgery has a variety of “things that can go wrong” in the bowel area.

And even if surgery is performed there is no guarantee that they will be able to locate or sample the offending lymph node.

Or wait 2 more months and try another PET scan.

So what are the long prognosis?

1. If i am cured and this observed activity is only infection or inflammation related, all is well and in 2 months the PET should reveal all.

2. If this is left over Large B Cell lymphoma it will have had two months to grow bigger and spread more. The follow up treatment is very severe and only has a 50-50 chance of success. I will be laid up for 6-9 months. Much worse than the last round of chemo.

3. If the Large B Cell Lymphoma was cured and thus revealed the underlying Filicular Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, then there is no cure. Turns out Filicular is a slow growing cancer (thus resistant to most chemo treatments) which you can survive with for up to 20 years or more, you just treat it from time to time when it starts causing you problems.

So after reviewing the options:

We will see if the interventionists will try a needle biospy, which would tell all and let us proceed with treatment or lack of treatment given the result.

If needle biospy is not possible. I will wait for 2 more months (middle of February) and do a second PET scan.

So things are still “Blowin’ in the Wind”.

It sure feels like life just keeps on being interesting.

Was a good day otherwise. I love the smell of the air after a good rain. Very refreshing and enjoyed as I left the hospital this fine evening.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday on the morrow!

Day Two Hundred and Seventeen

Day Two Hundred and Fourteen

So I have now waited a month from the last PET.

Day went well, rained all night was cozy sleeping!

Sun came out for a beautiful drive to Portland for my PET.

At about 1:30 pm reported for my PET scan.

Scan went off well.

Returned home safely, although Hwy was cracked and shifted from flooding.

Got the report from the Radiologist. These reports are written to not claim an absolute result. Kind of like trying to nail down jello. I think it says they think I might still have cancer, but will get the real results when I meet with my Oncologist Monday at 11 am in 3 days.

All in all have had a very strong feeling that things are going the way they are supposed to. It is a very peaceful feeling, no stress, just nice.

Hoping it means no cancer. But not stressed if there is still cancer.

Mentally I was so done with chemo in September I didn’t know if I could handle another round. But my body and mind seem to be doing very well.

Still have some numbness in fingers and feet numb making it interesting to walk.

Anyway, everyone have a great weekend!


Day Two Hundred and Fourteen